November Round Up

It’s crazy November is almost over. We didn’t want the month to end without sharing some fun things we’ve been loving lately. This post is always one we look forward to since it’s a little “off topic” from our normal design content.

When Lance and I find something we love, we want everyone to know about it. So below you will find some of our favorite things for business, for fun, and some great finds this month.


Cheeky Greeting Cards for Cheeky People

We’re excited to share that Lance is resurrecting his greeting card business, 1991. He’s been hard at work giving new life to old designs and creating some new ones. We just got the first shipment in the mail this week and they look SO good. It’s been such a life-giving creative outlet for him and a break from day-to-day design tasks. You can check out the full collection here.

One of his best-sellers for the sarcasm-appreciative audience


The BEST hot lemon honey drink

When it gets cold, I love a hot drink to sip on while I watch something (usually a Hallmark or Christmas movie this time of year). Instead of drinking hot chocolate or cider every night, I try to make a healthier choice with this delicious tangy drink.

Pro tip: We use a hot water kettle to make this extra hot and super FAST.

lemon honey drink recipe

Lemon Honey Drink

  • Heat 1-2 cups water

  • Drizzle approx. 1 Tablespoon honey in the bottom of a glass mug

  • Squeeze 1/2 a lemon (more if you like it on the tangy side) on top of the honey

  • Pour the hot water on top and stir well to melt the honey and mix the ingredients. Enjoy!


DIY Pinboard

We’re both particular and opinionated when it comes to things for our home (well, most things tbh). We love getting Christmas cards in the mail but haven’t designated a place for them in this house yet. This year we decided to plan ahead a little and created a pin board for our laundry room where we could display them all.

We’ve had a hard time finding pinboards we like in the past (and the ones we do like are usually a little pricey), so we decided to DIY it. Full disclosure: This is our second time making a pinboard. We used the same method to make one for the playroom earlier this year and loved it.

DIY pinboard for cheap


Thrifted frame - $10

Foam board insulation - $15

Linen fabric and liner fabric (we found a linen blend at our local Joann and used a liner to make sure the color of the foam board didn’t show underneath) - $20

Milwaukee everything… because Lance is obsessed.

Supplies for DIY cork board

5 things to do for your business before the new year


How to check if your website is mobile responsive