5 things to do for your business before the new year

We get it… we’re entering into “let’s circle back in the new year” territory. It’s so tempting to push pause on things and coast through the holidays.

However, there are a few quick and easy things you can do for your business RIGHT NOW that will set you up for success in the new year. So before you check out, check off these quick wins to help you clarify your vision, set your priorities, and make coming back to work after the holidays easier (and dare we say, a little exciting?).

1 - Website Audit

If you want to hit the ground running in January, now is the time to take a good look at your website.

Is it getting traffic? Does it still accurately represent your business? Do people know what you do immediately when they land on the site? Is it user and mobile-friendly? Are there things like testimonials, services, or products that need updating? Answering questions like these will help you know if it’s time for a refresh or a redesign.

Don’t worry - we’re definitely not suggesting you redesign your website over the holidays. But knowing the things that need to be updated will give you a clear plan of action when you’re back in the office.

Tip: If this seems like a daunting task, just start with your homepage and gradually review one page at a time.

2 - Plan + Schedule Social Content

If you plan to unplug and be present over the holidays (which we totally support), it’s important to plan your social content now and schedule it ahead of time so your feed doesn’t become a ghost town and hurt your algorithm. That way if you want to engage, you can just hop on to check in and not spend your time stuck on your phone.

Tip: If you’re on top of it and already have your content scheduled, now is a great time to review your social media strategy and get clear on your objectives and goals going into the new year.

Need a professional opinion?

Book a design audit and get 60 minutes of uninterrupted, marketing-minded design feedback on your website, social media content or project of your choice. We’ll chat now and set you up with next steps you can take to level up your business in the new year.


3 - Knock Out That To-Do List

Got outstanding design projects that keep getting pushed farther and farther down the list? Tempted to just call it quits and pick them back up in the new year? Go ahead and hand them over to the pros and turn on your out-of-office.

Book us for a day and call it done! When you book the day, you get 6 hours of uninterrupted time devoted to knocking out your to-do list and setting you up to start the new year with a clean slate.

Pssst… We’re taking time off over the holidays too and only have a few spots left! Grab one below!

FYI: We’ve been doing this for a while now, so we can get a LOT done in a day.

4 - Send Your Clients Some Love

Thinking you’ve missed the window to send a gift or a Christmas card? Not to worry, you can always send an email! It may not be as glamorous, but kindness and connection are always a good idea and can go a long way in building client relationships.

So if sending something completely fell off your radar, it’s never too late to craft a heartfelt message letting your clients know how much you appreciate them and wishing them happy holidays.

Tip: You probably have an inbox full of beautifully designed emails, but simple text emails can seem more genuine and less “mass-produced.” Don’t be afraid to keep it short and simple! You can also schedule it ahead of time for the delivery date of your choice if you’re heading out of the office early.

5 - Take a Minute

Yea, yea… easier said than done for some people. Especially if you’re a business owner. But if you’re burnt out and running on empty you’re not doing anyone any favors. We’ve personally found it harder to pour into our business when we’re not taking care of ourselves and making time for what truly matters.

So we challenge you in this busy time of year to take a minute… be where your feet are and be present with the people around you. Make a list of things you’re grateful for and reflect on this past year. Say no if you need to, take a walk, sit down and watch the movie. Great things can come from recharging and taking care of yourself.

Want your business to boom in 2024?

Hit the ground running with our design membership! Join the membership and get monthly retainer design hours, custom social media graphics, monthly strategy calls, VIP project status, and MORE. Plus, you’ll get a complimentary design audit ($250 value) to kick off your membership.


Wishing you all the best as you wrap up this year and look ahead to 2024! May your holiday season be filled with love, family, and blessings beyond measure.

Emily and Lance


December Round Up


November Round Up