How it Works

Lance Matthews working on branding and logo design

Efficiency is: the ability to do what needs to be done with a minimum amount of effort or waste. Working well.

I can still hear my third grade teacher reciting the definition above while we committed it to memory as our mantra for the school year ahead…

…And it’s honestly become one of my mantras for life. When Lance or I work with clients, our goal is to keep it simple.

We approach our projects with three steps:

  1. Game Plan

  2. Execute

  3. Support

So what does that look like for our clients?

Game Plan

This is where we talk. To our clients, to each other, to ourselves...

When you work with us, the first step is to schedule a meeting or a call to go over the details of your project.

During this meeting we’ll talk about things like:

  • Your scope of work

  • Your vision

  • Your timeline

  • Your questions

  • Your next steps

With our backgrounds in design and marketing, we bring strategy to the table. Once we have enough information from our clients, Lance and I collaborate to form the best plan of action.

Which brings us to step 2…

Emily Matthews working with web design client


This is where the magic happens.

Depending on the type of project/timeline, this phase can fluctuate, but we’re speedy when we need to be. We’re here to kill chaos and confusion (cue efficiency definition), so we work closely with our clients every step of the way - saving time and energy to make sure we’re always on the same page.

Once a project kicks off, our clients get access to their own online portal where they can collaborate with us, track the progress of their project and submit content for deadlines. This keeps things moving smoothly and on time.


When our clients have a beautiful finished project they’re proudly sharing with the world, we’re still here.

Once the shiny new logo/website/custom project starts making it rain for them, our clients tend to have more design needs pop up.

Example: You just hired us to create a logo and website that you’re pumped about - sharing it left and right. Now that you’re up and running, you’re ready to send out a newsletter or post to your social media and the DIY graphics you’re making aren’t quite looking like the brand you’ve invested so much time/energy/resources to create.

That’s where our support step comes in.

We offer custom design services to support our clients’ needs that don’t fit into the branding or web design box.

We do this two different ways:

  1. On a per-project basis

  2. Through our Sully Society membership program

Bottom line: we won’t leave you hanging.

We like to finish things - check the box, mark it complete - so we’re here to help

If you’re ready to pull the trigger on that project you’ve been waiting on, now is the time!


What We’re Loving | September


What We’re Loving