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Branding Package 101

Why You Need More Than Just a Logo

When it comes to branding, there's a common misconception that a logo is all it takes to define a brand. However, true branding is much more than just a single graphic… it's about creating a cohesive identity that resonates with your audience. That's where the concept of a full branding package becomes crucial. A concept we believe every business, big or small, should embrace.

Why Opt for a Full Branding Package?

A full branding package does more than get you a pretty logo. It lays the foundation of your brand identity across multiple platforms. This package commonly includes primary and secondary logo versions, a wordmark, an icon, and/or a favicon, and a curated color palette. Each element works together to make sure your brand is recognizable, consistent, and memorable wherever you show up.

So if you're reading this thinking, “okay, but what is the difference between these different elements?”, we’ve got you. Let’s break them down.

Primary and Secondary Logos, Wordmarks, Icons, and Favicons

  • Primary Logo: Your main brand identifier, used in most of your branding materials.

  • Secondary Logos: Offers flexibility for different formats or applications where your primary logo might not fit as well. For example, if your primary logo is more horizontal, the secondary logo may be a vertical version created by restructuring the elements of the logo.

  • Wordmark: A text-only treatment of your brand name, perfect for situations where an icon might not be recognizable on its own.

  • Icon: A simple, scalable symbol that represents your brand at a glance.

  • Favicon: A small, iconic image that appears in browser tabs, representing your site.

The leopard icon on the left is an example of our Favicon in this browser window.

P.S. If this is the first time you’re learning what a favicon is - no shame. It’s something we commonly explain to our web design clients. That’s why we wrote the post 5 DIY Design Tips to help our friends who’d prefer to do it themselves look like pros and avoid simple mistakes that blow their cover.

A Curated Color Palette

Beyond graphics, color plays a big role in branding. Colors evoke feelings and reactions and are not something to be taken lightly when you’re trying to establish your brand. A thoughtfully curated color palette ensures that your brand accurately reflects your business and is represented consistently in all materials, helping to evoke the trust and attention of your audience. (And remember… more trust, more sales.)

The Importance of Cohesive Branding

Have you ever followed a business on social media and then visited their website and asked yourself “wait, is this the same company?” Opting for a full branding package rather than a standalone logo or a generic, low-cost design establishes some ground rules and guidelines for your brand and communicates your unique story and values in all that you do. If you prefer list, you can look at it this way…

Cohesive branding:

  • Builds recognition and trust among your audience.

  • Differentiates you from competitors, especially those using generic or stock logos.

  • Adds professionalism and legitimacy to your business.

Beyond the $5 Logo

While budget options like $5 logos might seem appealing for startups or small businesses, they often result in generic, forgettable branding that doesn't effectively communicate your brand's unique qualities or resonate with the people you want it to. Opting for a full branding package is an investment in your brand's future, laying a solid foundation for building a strong, recognizable, and trusted brand identity.

Thing it’s out of reach? Think again.

So if you’re just starting out and don’t think you have the money to invest in a branding package, you’ve got options. A lot of branding designers (us included!) offer payment plans to fit a variety of budgets. It may be tempting to just throw something together now and revisit it down the road when you have “the funds”, but doing it right from the get-go lays a strong foundation for building trust with your audience and converting them into loyal customers. It also screams “I VALUE MY BUSINESS ENOUGH TO MAKE IT LOOK LEGIT!!”

Pssst… If you’re not just starting up, but wondering if you should be starting over (with your branding that is), check out our post on When To Rebrand Your Business with tips to help you determine if now is the time for a fresh start.

To Sum It Up

In a world where consumers are bombarded with choices, your brand needs to stand out. A full branding package is not just about having a variety of logos, it's about ensuring every touchpoint with your audience is an opportunity to reinforce your brand identity. It's a strategic move that pays dividends in brand recognition, consistency, and ultimately, customer loyalty.

If you’re in the market for a branding package or your current branding needs a facelift, we can help! Click the button below for details on our branding package.